Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow...

...we are going to Addenbrookes for another scan (at least that's what it feels like!). Probably not many more weeks left though and we're getting quite excited!

Clare saw the midwife today and it seems Andy Jr's head is nearly engaged. This is good news! By this stage (34 weeks), most babies are locked into place and can't move too much. However, because his limbs are shorter and there's more room to swim about, there is always a chance he'll be in a awkward position when the waters break and this could mean a tricky delivery. Luckily, this doesn't seem to be the case for him.

Clare's tummy is pretty big now. As a a very rough rule of thumb, your tummy should measure from top to bottom in centimetres the same as you are weeks pregnant. (by that notion, I should be about 26 weeks pregnant as well!). Clare is measuring 40 weeks already!

We also found out today that we've got the same paediatrician as Kara has and he comes highly recommended...Such blessings!

So no doubt I'll be back tomorrow with the latest in the saga. Till then...!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Andy- Are you having a little Dungey too? ;)