Sunday 7 October 2007

Induction II: This time the baby's coming out!

So we're off first thing tomorrow for the second installment of the Induction series. We're hoping it's not going to be a trilogy! The bag has been re-packed and the house re-cleaned. We've re-prayed prayers for health and safety and re-stocked food for Andy. I think we're good to go!

Hopefully things will be more favourable this time. Clare is 40 weeks on Wednesday so he should be nearly brewed by now! Please pray for Clare and Little D that the whole experience will go well and that he will be brought to us safely.

There's a lot of people out there that found the waiting hard last week so we're sorry you've got to go through it all again. We'll try to keep people informed whenever we can, but please be patient if you don't hear for a while. We may not be able to get back to the blog immediately but we'll do what we can.

See you next time with a baby!

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
Ephesians 3 v 20-21

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

October 8th is my mother's 82nd birthday and Cat and Dan's 2nd wedding anniversary! A blessed and lucky day for sure. Prayers are with you from Michigan. Looking forward to news.

Jennifer/Cat's mom/Owen's grandma