Thursday, 28 February 2008

Raising money for the Restricted Growth Association

I mentioned a few months ago that my old school friend, Jim Ford, will be running the Bath half-marathon in memory of Theo. He is getting sponsored to do this and the money he raises will be given to the R.G.A - an organisation that supported us during our pregnancy and would have been invaluable to Theo had he survived. The date is set for March 16th and he's already raised over £400 in sponsorship money on the RGA's website alone.

If anyone wants to sponsor Jim, they can do so here. Clare and I continue to be very moved by this act of kindness. We want to thank Jim for doing this and wish him every luck on the day!

Sunday, 24 February 2008

Theodore's Photo Album

Hi All, Clare here! Thought it was about time that we shared some more of Theo's Photo Album with you. We also wanted you to meet the people who have supported us and stood by us whenever, wherever and however we need them - our Family. We are so grateful they were able to be a part of that special day we had with Theo.

So on with the album...!

It's Time!
Sunday 30th September - The day before Induction Day

It's Time - Take 2!
Sunday 7th October - The day before our 2nd Induction Day

Theodore Edward Dungey arrives at 3.56am on 10th October weighing 6lb 10oz. He is suffering from severe respiritory problems. After 5 hours of hard work by Theodore and the doctors, we all agree that our little boy has tried his best and decide that he should spend his last few minutes on earth in the arms of his Mummy and Daddy.

He's here!
Mummy has her first long-awaited cuddle.

Joy and Sadness
Daddy holds his son for the first time.

Chubby Cheeks!
Mummy and Daddy note that he has not escaped inheriting their chubby faces!

Our Little Man
Theo has very short forearms and legs as predicted in scans. Mummy thinks that this makes him even more special and beautiful!

Shortly after, Theodore peacefully leaves to be with his Heavenly Father. Mummy and Daddy are filled with sadness but agree that Theo is now in the best place waiting for them.

Back on the Ward
Theo is brought down to the ward to spend the day with Mummy, Daddy and their families.

The Grandparents
Grandma & Grandad Richardson

Grandma Dungey

Grandpa Dungey

Aunties and Uncles

Auntie Sarah & Uncle Mark (Clare's Brother)

Uncle Adam (Clare's Brother) & Auntie Lizzi

Auntie Juliet (Andy's Sister)

Andy's brother, Tim, also rushes from London to be with us. We spend the day cuddling and enjoying Theo. During the afternoon, Mummy washes and dresses Theo in his own clothes, including the cardigan knitted by his Grandma Richardson.

Handsome Little Man!

In the evening, the family leave and Mummy and Daddy prepare to say goodbye to Theo, safe in the knowledge that he is with his loving Lord and Saviour.

One very proud Mummy!

Our beautiful little boy - Theodore Edward Dungey

Friday, 15 February 2008

A picture paints a thousand words!

A while back, I posted the pictures Clare took of Southwold on the day we scattered Theo's ashes. About the same time, we went to visit my parents and Clare admired the "cascade" sunset print they have on the wall in their lounge. My mother, being the clever woman that she is, put two and two together and came up with an excellent idea for Clare's Christmas present using the Southwold photo. As a DIY-phobe, I had to wait for help from Clare's dad before I could get round to hanging it. The result is here:

It now takes pride of place in our lounge and is a lovely reminder of our boy!

In other news, I went to the hospital today to have a skeletal survey done. They x-rayed my legs, spine, arms, ankle and pelvis. The x-rays will be sent off to Great Ormond Street so that they can determine whether I have a mild form of the condition they think Theo had. This will hopefully inform us better about the likelihood of it happening again. I imagine it will take quite a while for the results to come back so I will post any news when we get it.

So, I'm trying to keep my word about posting more often! In the next entry, Clare will post some more pictures of Theo.

Monday, 11 February 2008

"You were always on my mind"

Clare was teaching her year 3 class last week and was looking at silent letters with them. And what better example of a silent K than.....Knoah! Here's the proof!

Speaking of which, Knoah is back home after his recent hospital trip which is a real answer to prayer. Check out all his latest adventures here (including some very cute pics!). To top it off, we got a phone call from Tonya last night which is always a lovely surprise. I think she and Clare concluded that both a trip to London for Tonya and a trip to America for us was the best plan!

Anyway, we are both doing ok, although Sunday morning services are proving to be emotional at times. My sister, Mum and Dad came to visit yesterday and there wasn't a dry Dungey eye in the house (not very helpful when Clare and I had to do a drama half way through the service!)

But we're ok. Clare's off on half term this week and I have a few days leave which will be very nice.

The number of hits and comments from people has pushed me into thinking that I haven't spent enough time blogging recently. I will endeavour to write far more reguarly from now on so please keep checking.

Monday, 4 February 2008

He is definitely 'our gift'!

Thought it had been a while since we had posted...I should warn you though that this is Clare typing, not Andy so this entry may not contain the usual wit to which you have all become accustomed!

No news I'm afraid so we continue to wait - Andy in his usual calm, reasonable manner, me in my, 'Why haven't they called?!!' frenzy! We will, of course, let you know when we hear anything.

Andy and I were talking the other day and I casually mentioned that I had begun the process of writing a song for Theo, to which he replied that he was also writing a song for Theo. I asked him what it was called and he said that he had decided to call it 'The Gift'. My song is already titled 'My Gift' so I'm guessing Theo is definitely our gift! When we have finished them (which may be quite a while!) we will put them on the blog.

I have also decided to put some more pictures of Theo on the blog very soon so watch this space!